Compact and Efficient Multi-Band Antennas for Small Gardens

Compact and Efficient Multi-Band Antennas for Small Gardens


The Vertical Antenna: A Multiband Version

When it comes to setting up an antenna in a small garden, a vertical antenna is often the most obvious choice. It is easy to fit and consists of a vertical rod or element that extends from the ground up towards the sky. But what if you want a multiband version? That's where a trap vertical antenna comes into play.

A trap vertical antenna is a vertical antenna with trap elements. Traps are components that allow the antenna to operate on multiple bands. These traps are placed along the length of the antenna, and they enable the antenna to cover different frequencies. The vertical antenna is fed with a coaxial cable, with the inner conductor connecting to the base of the antenna and the outer sheathing connected to the Earth. It is important to improve the conductivity of the Earth beneath the antenna by using radials.

Radials are wires that are connected to the Earth point. They are laid on the ground, spread around the antenna, and connected to the sheathing of the coaxial cable. The number of radials is more important than their length, and having radials that are around 3 to 4 meters long is sufficient. By connecting the radials to the Earth point, the antenna efficiency is improved by enhancing the conductivity of the ground beneath the antenna.

The Hustler 4BTV is a popular multiband vertical antenna that covers the 40m, 20m, 15m, and 10m bands. It is self-supporting and can handle a kilowatt of power. With its low angle radiation, it is a good antenna for DX contacts. While its performance on the 40m band may not be as good as a horizontal wire antenna, it still works well on the other bands.

The Compact 'Half Size' G5RV Antenna

The 'Half Size' G5RV antenna is a well-known and highly regarded antenna design. However, its original length of 51 feet may not fit into a small 30-foot garden. To overcome this limitation, the 'Half Size' G5RV antenna can be modified into an inverted V shape.

In the inverted V configuration, one leg of the antenna comes down towards the ground, while the other leg is angled to fit the available space. By fixing a mast at a suitable point in the garden, the antenna can be supported and configured as an inverted V. This configuration allows the 'Half Size' G5RV antenna to fit into smaller spaces while still providing effective performance on the 20m, 40m, and 10m bands.

The Versatile Dipole Antenna

A dipole antenna is a straightforward and versatile option for small gardens. It consists of a wire element that is fed with balanced line. The length of the dipole can be adjusted to fit within the available space. The beauty of a dipole antenna with balanced line is that it can be tuned to work on a wide range of frequencies.

In a 30-foot garden, a dipole antenna with a length of 30 feet can be installed. The balanced line can be run back to the radio room, where it can be terminated outside the room or connected to an external antenna tuner. The external tuner can ensure a good match for the antenna on multiple bands. Alternatively, the balanced line can be taken directly into the transceiver if it has an internal antenna matching unit.

Another option is to wind the balanced line inside the radio room and connect it directly to an antenna tuner with balanced output. A short length of coaxial cable is then used to connect the tuner to the transceiver. This configuration allows for easy adjustment and tuning of the antenna.

The Efficient and Easy-to-Install End Fed Halfwave Antenna

The End Fed halfwave antenna is a popular choice for its simplicity and effectiveness. It can be installed in various ways and does not require a counterpoise. The antenna consists of a length of wire and an inductor at the end, which is fed with balanced line. The combination of the wire, inductor, and balanced line allows for multiband operation.

The End Fed halfwave antenna can be installed as a compact version using end-loading choke traps. This configuration enables the antenna to cover the 10m, 20m, and 40m bands. For even more bands, a longer wire length of 20 meters can be used, allowing the antenna to work on the 80m, 10m, 15m, 20m, and 40m bands.

Adjusting the length of the antenna and fine-tuning it with a vswr meter can ensure optimal performance. The End Fed halfwave antenna is a versatile and efficient choice for small gardens.


Compact and efficient multi-band antennas are essential for those with small gardens. The vertical antenna with trap elements, the modified 'Half Size' G5RV antenna, the versatile dipole antenna, and the End Fed halfwave antenna all offer excellent options for amateur radio operators looking to maximize their limited space. With careful planning and installation, these antennas can provide reliable communication on multiple bands. So, whether you're a seasoned ham radio operator or just starting out, consider these compact antennas for your small garden setup.