

When I first saw the Yaesu FT-710 AESS radio, I thought it was just a cutdown version of the Yaesu FTDX10. However, I was pleasantly surprised to discover that it is a completely new design. The performance of this transceiver is top-notch, especially on the receive side. In this blog, I will provide an in-depth review of the Yaesu FT-710 AESS SDR HF Transceiver and discuss its features, installation, functionality, and performance.


I took advantage of the external video output of the Yaesu FT-710 AESS and mounted a screen on top of the radio. This made a tremendous difference, especially for users with poor eyesight. I also connected it to my Acom amplifier using a necessary lead purchased on eBay. The compact size of the transceiver allows for easy accommodation on a small desk space.


The Yaesu FT-710 AESS is the first fully SDR HF transceiver from Yaesu. It utilizes Superhead front ends, which is an innovative design for Yaesu. The audio quality of the transceiver is exceptional, even surpassing some higher-priced models. It ranks high on the Sherwood engineering ratings , coming in at fourth place among both current and discontinued transceivers. It offers 4M and 6M bands, making it a great option for users looking for additional band coverage.

Audio Control and External Speaker

The Yaesu FT-710 AESS comes with a matching speaker that can be clipped onto the side of the radio. However, it can also be mounted separately if desired. The speaker is designed to handle higher frequencies, while the internal speaker handles lower frequencies. The speaker control allows the user to adjust the amount of low frequencies coming from the external speaker. This feature is particularly useful for users with hearing problems, as it provides a personalized listening experience.

Menu System

The menu system of the Yaesu FT-710 AESS is excellent and user-friendly. It features various controls, including memory information, VFO and memory switching, band selection, quick memory bank, and function buttons. Navigating the menu system is straightforward, and additional menus can be accessed by pressing the blue buttons on the screen. The external display provides an even better experience for base operation.

Receiver Performance

The receiver section of the Yaesu FT-710 AESS is well-designed and quiet. It features an attenuator with three levels, IPO (Intercept Point Optimization), and front-end amplifiers that bypass the signal to the mixing area. The front end performance is excellent, especially on the LF bands. The radio allows for adjustable RF gain control, which helps reduce background noise. The digital notch filter and noise reduction circuit further enhance the receiver's capabilities.

Automatic Antenna Tuning

The Yaesu FT-710 AESS has an automatic antenna tuner (ATU) capability that can match various types of antennas. It memorizes the settings per band, ensuring efficient tuning. The ATU performs well even with high SWR, making it a valuable feature for operators using different bands.

Spectrum and Waterfall Display

The Spectrum and Waterfall display on the Yaesu FT-710 AESS is sensitive and provides a clear representation of the bands. The display can be customized to show signals behind the cursor or allow the cursor to tune across the spectrum. It also features a 3D display option and an audio display oscilloscope. The expand button allows for a larger view of the waterfall, and the speed can be adjusted to the user's preference.


The Yaesu FT-710 AESS SDR HF Transceiver is a remarkable radio with outstanding performance. Despite its affordable price, it competes with much higher-priced transceivers in terms of audio quality and overall functionality. The compact design, extensive menu system, and advanced features make it an excellent choice for both base and portable operation. If you're looking for a high-performance transceiver without breaking the bank, the Yaesu FT-710 AESS is definitely worth considering.